  • 71

    people in the department

  • 70+


  • 15


What we do

A DevOps engineer is a “multi-station” specialist: his responsibilities include synchronizing the work of programmers, testers, and system administrators. In particular, we solve such problems as:

  • setting up development, testing, stage, and production environments
  • setting up seamless integration with other systems
  • improving software performance and accelerate project delivery
  • speeding up processes and optimizing teamwork
  • automate application deployment and reduce delays in software development
  • improving development security and eliminating vulnerabilities
  • improving the quality of applications and preventing defects after the release
  • optimization and rationalization of operating expenses

It means that the future DevOps engineer must learn a lot of knowledge from different areas and juggle them masterfully in the work process.

Recently, within the department, we launched the DBA / DBD direction: we will grow a new strong team!

How we work

Our engineers use innovative Agile technologies and methodologies to ensure high-quality software projects that meet the customer's business requirements. We also use configuration management tools to ensure seamless integration with existing products. And, of course, remember constant training: knowing the latest industry trends is easy to fall behind in the profession.

Our team

Now the team has 70+ people with experience in developing, operating and testing cloud solutions. 68% of them are Senior and Middle level specialists.

Tech Stack

AWS, Microsoft Azure, DBA, DigitalOcean, Google Cloud Platform, Chef, Puppet, Ansible, SaltStack, Vagrant, BladeLogic, CFEngine, Terraform, Terragrunt, OpenStack, Heroku, IBM Cloud, Apprenda, Rackspace, Jelastic, Docker, Kubernetes, Rancher, Packer, ElasticBox, ACS, Mesos, Diego, Bash, Python, Rundeck, Jenkins, Lambda, Beanstalk, DynamoDB, Gitlab, CI, Bamboo, Cloud Watch, Grafana, Zabbix, Logstash, Kibana, Prometheus, Datadog, Dynatrace, Fluentbit.

bg Igor Aristov

Igor Aristov

Head of DevOps Department

We welcome initiative and new ideas, and participation in professional events within the company and outside it.

Project examples