VOKA Pathology 3D Catalogue
Create a mobile application for medical students, teachers, and doctors with a unique catalog of highly accurate 3D models of different pathologies.
We developed an app and drew more than 500 3D models for congenital and acquired heart defects, vascular and urinary system abnormalities. The solution was created in the form of a mobile app to help students learn the anatomy of human pathologies in a simple and convenient format
The result is a catalog with 360° 3D models to help students get a comprehensive understanding of the anatomy of internal organ pathologies. Students can view models of pathologies at the desired scale, from any angle, inside and out
Tech Stack
Unity, C#, MRDK, UWP , 3D Studio Max, 3D-Coat, ZBrush, iOS, Android, Java
25 members: Developers , Doctors, 3D designers, UX/UI designers, Testers
“On this project, I like the high-level of demands on the model: accuracy, realism, attention to detail, textures – all this was a great opportunity to practice sculpting and texturing. Working together with doctors and scientists allows us to touch a completely new world of medicine, and still get off on a phobia or two about organ abnormalities”