Mobile app for Instant Payments
Develop an electronic wallet on iOS and Android for instant payments
First of all, we took care of the protection of confidential data. We integrated a security system (TLS 1.2, SSL Pinning) and used PIN code verification and data encryption. Access to the wallet can be obtained only after registration and verification.
We also offered some atypical features (for example, splitting the bill in a cafe with friends), added the ability to make payments using QR codes, and transfer money to another account via email or mobile phone number. The application also provides information about the account balance and stores the payment history
Thanks to the platform, the user can make commission-free transactions to various countries and make payments within a few seconds
Tech Stack
Java, Kotlin, MVP, Clean Architecture, RxJava, Dagger 2, REST, Mockito, Espresso
11 members: developers, designer, project manager, business alalyst
We worked with multi-banking. Our set of solutions includes, for example, the implementation of multiple security systems, data encryption, multitenant architecture. We designed a completely new solution based on a modern stack. It will soon be used in a variety of banks in countries throughout Europe