Mobile cryptocurrency portfolio management application
Our client is a European company operating in cryptocurrency exchange and DeFi domains. The project's main goal was to create a mobile application for managing a portfolio of cryptocurrencies. Its functionality will help users effectively manage their cryptocoins and tokens. Also, it helps to receive up-to-date information about fluctuations in cryptocurrency rates.
The customer instructed our team to develop the functionality and design of the application.
The client had a clear vision for the application but needed help turning the idea into a solution. The process included defining the app's functionality, design, and development.
We have developed an application from scratch with extensive functionality. The user can:
- deposit and withdraw crypto assets through in-app wallets
- receive information about fluctuations in cryptocurrency rates
- stay up to date with the latest news on the market
- exchange crypto assets
- manage a crypto portfolio through buy/sell orders
Our software engineers have created a mobile application to manage crypto funds efficiently. The application has an intuitive, user-friendly interface and valuable features, such as exchanging crypto assets by limits, price charts, viewing news in crypto and DeFi, easy deposits and withdrawals, and much more.
Tech Stack
Android, iOS, Kotlin, Swift, Alamofire, BrightFutures, RSwift, SnapKit, SwiftLint, Kingfisher, KeychainSwift, Firebase, Retrofit + OkHttp, RxJava, Moxy, Dagger2, Navigation Components, KtLint, Lint, TestFlight, Firebase App Distribution, iTunes Connect
14 people: 6 developers, 4 QA engineers, project manager, DevOps engineer, designer, business analyst
We worked on this exciting and modern project as a full-fledged team: the iOS and Android team, PM, BA, and QA. I can't help but note the well-established processes: regular daily, periodic retrospectives, precise planning, and other activities. Creating a project from scratch and developing a full-fledged framework with a network layer allowed me to gain a variety of knowledge that made me a more sought-after specialist.